General Information

Welcome to this tool which allows to perform the prediction of mutations in the initiation codon. After introducing the input, a message will appear on screen indicating whether the mutation is BENIGN or DELETERIOUS and a percentage showing how sure it is of said prediction. More information about this predictor and how it was developed can be found in:

Input options

There are three possible input options:
  • Features: introduce the value of each of the features of the predictor: number of ATG in the 5' UTR, length percentage of the mutated amino acid, distance to the stop codon, and distance to the alternative intiiation codon.
  • Sequences: introduce the complementary DNA sequence, the coding region sequence, and the mutated complementary DNA sequence.
  • Ensembl Transcript: introduce the Ensembl transcript ID and the codon change.

Input your data

Input your data

Input your data